IFCC Roche Travel Scholarships


IFCC is pleased to offer a limited number

of Travel Scholarships

for the participation of Young Scientists 

to the 1st IFCC, EFLM, AFCB, FIFBCML Conference.


Applicants should be from a developing country

and less than 40y of age on 1 January 2018.


The IFCC Roche Travel Scholarship

will provide funding towards

the cost of economy travel and accommodation.

In addition, scholarship recipients will receive

free registration from the Congress Organising Committee.


Applicants will be required to complete the application form

that can be obtained from the IFCC Office.

Application should be submitted to the IFCC Office within:

30 April, 2018.

Travel Scholarships  for the participation of Young Scientists
MZ Congressi srl

Organizing Secretariat

MZ Congressi srl

Via Carlo Farini, 81 - 20159 Milano, Italy
Ph: (39) 02 66802323

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